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Thank You To This Year's Sponsors

Hudson Guild's 13th Annual Benefit

Thanks for joining us to celebrate our important work of fighting poverty and creating a strong community in Chelsea and beyond. We are proud to be honoring Priscilla Sims Brown, President & Chief Executive Officer of Amalgamated Bank for the bank's longtime support of Hudson Guild.




Supports Hudson Guild’s TEEN PROGRAMMING. More teens like Ari can advance their education, careers, and path to adulthood. Our teen services program provides services such as college preparation, internships, podcasting, sports, music, and technology. Funding for staff, counselors, and activities is key to making this happen and $10,000 makes a semester’s worth of activities possible.


Makes a FULL YEAR OF HEAD START possible for one child.  Colors, numbers, speech - the essentials for learning and development - begin in pre-K. Hudson Guild is required to privately pay for 2 of every 5 Head Start students. Your gift provides direct access to early learning - and is key to unlocking $20,000 for other children!


EMERGENCY CASH RELIEF FUND. You can help the Guild cover the unexpected costs that stop people from moving forward. Help with a month’s rent before the new job starts, unreimbursed dental or vision costs, or emergency food or housing assistance during a crisis. The requests are all vetted and verified by Hudson Guild.


EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT - Brand new programming that helps people find and keep jobs. Your gift helps to provide a Hudson Guild participant with employment support including resume building and interview skills workshops, clothing for interviews, skills development, and placement in jobs with career promotion opportunities and benefits. Funds also help with the ongoing support of participants once they are working.


Moves SUMMER CAMP from good to great! Summer camp is free for every Hudson Guild child, but TWO TRIPS EVERY WEEK - to the zoo, the aquarium, water parks, museums - only happen with private support. They keep kids safe, engaged and learning - and make summer camp magical!


Supports ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER ADULTS that help to build community and prevent social isolation. Each day, Hudson Guild’s centers are buzzing with a host of activities such as pottery, painting, tai chi, dance, and chair yoga and classes and workshops such as cooking, nutrition, poetry, storytelling, and physical and mental health. Help Hudson Guild to promote nutrition, engagement, and social connection among older adults in our community.


Past Honorees

Jeff Gural,
GFP Real Estate

Arthur H. Aufses III


Paul Balser

Tommy Hilfiger Co.

Jamestown, L.P.


Viking Global Foundation

Related Co. & Hudson Yards New York

Lee Buckley, Arthur H. Aufses III, & Paul Balser

Tony Gilroy & Susan Egbert Gilroy


Board of Trustees

David Ellen

Paul Balser

Arthur Aufses III
Vice Chair

Laura Ranji
Vice President

Anna Hayes Levin

Scott Segal


Denise Adler

Shadé Akande

Marc Beshar, DMD

Harry Brigham

Lee Buckley

Katie Cusack

Carley Graham Garcia

Paul Groncki

Jeffrey Kolodny

Carol Mehas

Robbin Mitchell

Elizabeth Propp

Saiba Sabherwal

Nick Stoumpas

Myron Terry

Bill Tomlin

Darlene Waters

Gay Young