I went into social work because I always wanted to help people. I have always had a passion for fighting for people's rights and also giving a voice to the voiceless. Hudson Guild actually opened my eyes to realize that social work was the field of study I was to pursue instead of law.
I have recently been promoted to Social Work Supervisor and I am enjoying all the new experiences that it brings. I am very big on being a team player and I have an "open door" policy. I like for my staff to feel that I am someone they can talk to, as well as look to me for support when it's needed. While working at Hudson Guild I have had the opportunity to engage with just about all of the populations we serve.
I am interested in serving this population because oftentimes this population goes underserved, overlooked, and forgotten, and they need people who care and will do everything in their power to help them.
Our 10th Annual Benefit will be held virtually on April 20th at 6:30 pm. The benefit is essential because it allows Hudson Guild to share some of our achievements. With your donations we have the ability to create and sustain programs, help community members, and repair damaged property like fixing an empty space into a garden.
Thanks to our generous sponsors and donors we have managed to fundraise over $830k so far. So, we decided to push out the goal even further to $950k. You can sponsor, rsvp, or donate to help us meet our goals and help our community. Hope to virtually see you on April 20th!
Hudson Guild facilities have been used as pop-up vaccine hubs over the last few weeks with the various community partners. We are really excited to share that starting on April 7th, in partnership with Google and the NYC Mayor's office our Fulton Community Center will serve as a vaccination hub. The hub will be operating Tuesday through Saturday with the goal of vaccinating 1,000 people per week. You can find out more information here.
Episode 2 of Talent Jam! will premiere on April 9th at 8 pm while the first episode premiered on March 8th at the same time.
Hudson Guild surpassed its fundraising goals of $750K so a new goal was set for $950K.
Currently enrolling for July: Five West Side school locations are now enrolling 2, 3, and 4 years old's for free or reduced-cost pre-school for the 2021-2022 school year. For more information email abair@hudsonguild.org.
April - NORC Weekly Programs: meditation, learning, vaccine info, tax info, creative journaling, and more! For more information click here.
April 7th - NYC Community Vaccine Hub: The hub will be located at our Fulton Center and will start by operating Tuesday through Saturday. For more information email vaccines@hudsonguild.org.
April 9th - Indoor virtual gardening program starting Mondays & Thursdays 12 - 1 pm. For more information email Armisha at ascott@hudsonguild.org.
April 9th - Talent Jam! Episode 2 will premiere at 8 pm. To watch click here.
**April 20th - 10th Annual Benefit: a virtual celebration in support of Hudson Guild’s work to fight poverty and create a strong community in Chelsea and beyond. Join us at 6:30 pm click here for more information.**
April 20th - Life Planning Documents for Low-Income Seniors 1- 2 pm. For more information email Armisha at ascott@hudsonguild.org.
April 27th - Eleanor's Outing Virtual Experience: Playbill Private Experience, Broadway at this Theatre 11 am - 12 pm. For more information email Armisha at ascott@hudsonguild.org.
To view all jobs, please visit hudsonguild.bamboohr.com/jobs.
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