I have had a unique opportunity to see Hudson Guild grow and change over the years and have experienced the services provided to our community.
My grandmother first enrolled me into the daycare center of Hudson Guild when I was about two years old. She was an assistant teacher and it allowed her not only to keep an eye on me, but also ensure I received the best care. Throughout my childhood, I spent a good deal of my time enrolled in various programs. Jim Furlong the Director of Arts at Hudson Guild, had several productions that I was a part of which allowed me a chance to spread my creative wings throughout my adolescence. At the time, I was enrolled in the school-age program for after-school activities, and in my teenage years, I worked throughout the summer as a peer advisor. My IT career began merely as an apprenticeship with one of the former IT directors at which point I became a full-time employee. As of today, I am approaching 13 years of working at Hudson Guild and providing the technical support our staff needs, especially with the changes that our world has, unfortunately, had to endure.
Truthfully, it’s been the people here that I’ve known for the longest that originally made me feel at home at Hudson Guild and to this day there are still a few veterans from back in the day that are holding true to the Guild's foundation and goals. Experiences within the school-age program and even trips to the Hudson Guild Farm will always be something to cherish. A key-person in all of this has been my grandmother who was an assistant teacher at the Guild and worked for 41 years before retiring and is now an active member on the board. She was so supportive of the Guild and they were so supportive of her and that motivation has become instilled in me and it’s one of the reasons why I have such a strong foundation and compassion for what the Guild stands for.
We would like to thank the Ryan Chelsea-Clinton center for providing the opportunity for Hudson Guild staff and community members to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Those who signed up received the vaccines at the Elliot Center on February 26th. We look forward to adding future dates to have the vaccine administered in our community. The Ryan Chelsea-Clinton center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) based in Manhattan that has been providing high-quality, comprehensive & affordable primary & specialty care to New York’s diverse and underserved communities since 1967.
Hudson Guild celebrated Chinese New Year last month. Staff prepared a small event where they handed out goodie bags to celebrate Chinese culture. The bag consisted of the traditional red envelope, mandarins, gold coins, buttermint candies, Chinese New Year stickers, and information on upcoming events. We were elated to have 40 attendees even though the event was held outside to keep community members safe.
Annual Report 2020 Hudson Guild's yearly report to shareholders, documenting its activities and finances in the previous financial year is available here.
Talent Jam! Hudson Guild is seeking talent for a new virtual showcase to be presented monthly on the Guild’s YouTube Channel. Each episode of Talent Jam! will consist of a variety of 2 to 3 short performances, which will be broadcast monthly through June. People of all ages are invited to submit MP4 files for consideration – including music, dance, monologues, stand-up comedy, and more. Performances should be no longer than 5 minutes. Send MP4 files to jfurlong@hudsonguild.org at any time between now and May 1. If you require technical assistance, please send an email with a description of your act. For more information, contact Jim Furlong at 212-760-9837.
Save the Date Hudson Guild's 10th annual benefit will be held on April 20th at 6:30 pm. Please join us in this virtual celebration in support of Hudson Guild's work to fight poverty and create a strong community in Chelsea and beyond. For questions, please contact Alyssa Barrett 212-867-1117 or abarrett@innovativephilanthropy.net.
Mar. - NORC and Adult Services Schedule for Hudson Guild's neighborhood senior center is available here.
Mar. 9 – Photography class through June 10, every Tue & Thurs from 11:30am - 1pm via Zoom. Registrants must be 60 years or older. For more info email ascott@hudsonguild.org.
Mar. 17 – Weekend Cinema: all about love, from March 17-20, registrants must be 60 years or older. For more info email ascott@hudsonguild.org.
Mar. 28 - Housing Seminar: Strategies for Finding Affordable Housing in New York City - Hosted by HPD. Are you looking for a new place to live? Do you need to leave your current housing? During the pandemic, do you need updates on critical housing issues like evictions, mortgage payments, utilities, and rent? Check out our new Housing Seminar that helps you navigate the current housing and sublet market in New York City. Please RSVP by emailing communitybuilding@hudsonguild.org.
Apr. 20 - 10th Annual Benefit: a virtual celebration in support of Hudson Guild’s work to fight poverty and create a strong community in Chelsea and beyond. Join us at 6:30pm click here for more information.
To view all jobs, please visit hudsonguild.bamboohr.com/jobs
Development and External Relations
Assistant Director of Development and External Relations (Currently Remote) Apply here.
Mental Health Services
Clinical Supervisor (Currently Remote) Apply here.
Fee for Service Clinician (Currently Remote) Apply here.
Psychotherapist Apply here.
Maintenance Worker Apply here.
Youth Development & Education
Elementary After School Program Group Leader Apply here.
Middle School After School Program Group Leader Apply here.
Middle School Social Worker Apply here.
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