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Roundels:Open Source by Heather Cox at Guild Gallery II

January 13, 2025 | by hgadmin

word-image-21423-1-1024x685.jpegArtist Heather Cox at Guild Gallery II. Photo by Monika Graff

Heather Cox, a sculptor and photographer, discovered an unexpected medium in snapshots. Years ago, when she had her camera film developed, the 1-hour photo lab often provided double prints. Over time, these duplicates, along with countless other photos, accumulated in boxes. Unable to part with them, they lingered in storage—until the COVID pandemic brought a sudden shift.

During those isolated months, Heather began cutting the photos into small circles and stitching them together using a stapler. “The staples provided a quick link, a small satisfying hinge that allowed forms to grow and flex. What once filled shoeboxes now filled rooms. This work developed into my current series Roundels,” she says. In the following interview, Heather shares more about her process, inspiration, and the evolution of Roundels.


Categories: Arts Programs News